Alone in this dark forest?
9 days ago • 3 min readHello, darlings. Looking fabulous, as always. As I put the finishing touches on the next installments in both of my ongoing comic sagas (Pleasure Moons and Taking Flight), I’ve been thinking about coexistence and cooperation. Also, given the state of the world right now, the thinking in question is largely concerns about the distressing lack of both. I’m happy to say both stories are built on these two ideas and hopefully show, in their own quirky ways, that we are stronger together. However,...
READ POSTSigns of intelligent life
about 1 month ago • 3 min readDarlings, I thought we’d start the new year with a recommended read. File this one under truth is stranger than fiction: The Light Eaters, by Zoe Schlanger. With all that’s going on—and about to come—it can be easy to give into the human-centered doom and gloom. But, I think some time with other, possibly smarter, forms of life might be restorative. Think of it as bloomscrolling. While it is a science book, it’s also a reporter’s journey into a world that we interact with (and depend on)...
READ POSTGhost in the machine
3 months ago • 3 min readHow are you, darlings? Looking fabulous, as always. You’ve no doubt noticed the proliferation of the letters “A” and “I” in all sorts of contexts—warranted and otherwise. These two little letters have become de rigueur for techbro edgelords, flailing politicians, and corporate types. And this goon squad is taking us all along for the ride, willing or not. Confession time: if you hadn’t already guessed, I’m a bit unimpressed with the current wave of what many are calling artificial...
READ POSTIs a flower really just a flower?
4 months ago • 2 min readHello, darlings, how are you? Looking fabulous as always. One of my various artistic endeavors is finally coming to bloom. May I present the first batch of the series called Chromatic Desires. Flower and figure, blossom and body. Desire and delight embodied in different but complimentary forms—the same fundamental essence creating an endless variety of manifestations. Flowers bring immediate joy and power with their simple presence, a potent reminder of the temporary nature of all phenomena....
READ POSTLife, the universe, and everything
4 months ago • 3 min readHello, darlings. Looking fabulous as always. Today’s missive was started while I was at the lovely Omega Institute in upstate New York for a little fall sojourn. There’s a cute little library with even cuter little nooks perfect for contemplating life—and let’s be honest, napping. Begun, but not finished. It was meant to be a break, right? So, the missive was completed and dispatched to you today amidst the bustle of daily city life. A change in season and change in scenery often produces...
READ POSTGot you covered
5 months ago • 2 min readHello, darlings. How are you? Looking fabulous as always. A sporadic, but always welcome, addition to my inbox are the missives from the delightful Adam Rowe about his quixotic and singular passion: retro sci-fi art. In addition to the newsletter, he’s also published a gorgeous book for you to really sink your teeth into. Looking at art on screens is lovely and all, but a big fat book is a great way to savor some art. Illustrations for covers are most, if not all, of the art he showcases. A...
READ POSTThe revolution will not be funded
6 months ago • 4 min readAlright, darlings, this missive gets busy with some feisty political talk—and, true to form, a big fat complicated book to read! The book is not immediately about art, it comes from the world of violence prevention work. But, it’s about art, too, even if they authors don’t mention it specifically. Hopefully you’ll stick with me on this little journey. We begin at the unlikely starting point of “philanthropy” and the aforementioned book about it called The Revolution Will Not Be Funded. It’s a...
READ POSTCoded works, coded lives
8 months ago • 3 min readHello, darlings, how are you? Looking fabulous as always. In the spare moments of repose between day job shenanigans and artistic exploits, I’ve nearly finished a recent biography of John Singer Sargent called The Grand Affair. I came across this lengthy tome while browsing at a Barnes & Noble. Yes, an accidental discovery of a real book in a real book store—I know, so retro! Somewhere in the back of my mind was a recollection that Sargent had a things for the boys. I was intrigued and later...
READ POSTsaturate this, mofo! color as rebellion 🌈
9 months ago • 3 min readHello, darlings, how are you? Looking fabulous, as always. I recently finished a lovely book mentioned by an artist on a podcast. It was an offhand mention and the conversation quickly moved on, but its title really caught my attention. Chromophobia by David Batchelor. “Wait,” I thought, “is that even a thing? How can you be afraid of color?” So, I had to find the book. Read it, loved it. I think you should read it, too. And just who is it that is afraid of color? Why, our society is, that’s...