
Edward Ficklin

Edward Ficklin (he/him), the maverick artist not afraid to say gay, is dedicated to creating erotic art as a pathway to liberation for all. His surrealist work centers the nude figure exploring its own delights, ranging from the sensual to the ecstatic. In defiance of the societal forces attempting erasure by legislation, algorithm, or so-called “community” standards, he delights viewers with imagery of sex and body positivity. His paintings have appeared in NYC galleries like Foley Gallery and the SoHo Project Space, national exhibitions dedicated to erotic art such as CLAW Leather Getaway Kinky Art Show and Tucson Erotica, and numerous naughty, but high quality, publications like Erotic Edges, Doable Guys, and Dirty Little Drawings. He likes his martinis straight up, with a twist, and, of course, made with gin. He adores the grit, freedom, and wild unpredictability of urban existence and continues, likely to the grave, attempts to get that orchid plant to bloom again.

Dazzling dispatches to spice up your inbox!

Coded works, coded lives

Hello, darlings, how are you? Looking fabulous as always. In the spare moments of repose between day job shenanigans and artistic exploits, I’ve nearly finished a recent biography of John Singer Sargent called The Grand Affair. I came across this lengthy tome while browsing at a Barnes & Noble. Yes, an accidental discovery of a real book in a real book store—I know, so retro! Somewhere in the back of my mind was a recollection that Sargent had a things for the boys. I was intrigued and later...

saturate this, mofo! color as rebellion 🌈

Hello, darlings, how are you? Looking fabulous, as always. I recently finished a lovely book mentioned by an artist on a podcast. It was an offhand mention and the conversation quickly moved on, but its title really caught my attention. Chromophobia by David Batchelor. “Wait,” I thought, “is that even a thing? How can you be afraid of color?” So, I had to find the book. Read it, loved it. I think you should read it, too. And just who is it that is afraid of color? Why, our society is, that’s...


Hello, darlings, how are you? Looking fabulous as always. Nestled at the bottom of this morning’s round up of news from the New York Times was a fun little article (gift link) about the still on-going excavation of Pompeii. I mean, for how many centuries now have people been picking away at those lava-covered ruins? While finds like cool frescoes in a dining room garner coverage in major outlets, rarely does anyone discuss the amazing number of erotic works uncovered. Uncovered and then,...

Shameless and perverse flaunting

One of the most wonderful spring rituals of the NYC area is the New York Botanical Garden’s Orchid Show. A fabulously steamy display of the sexiest flowers nature has to offer. You’ve got more sexual organs on display than even the wildest backroom. It’s on through April 21. If you’re in the area, check it out. Over the last couple of years, flowers have been showing up more and more in my paintings. So, on the occasion of my visit to this year’s extravaganza, I posed myself the question: why...

furthering my gay agenda

Darlings, how are you? Looking fabulous as always. Two juicy updates on my recent exploits at furthering my gay agenda. First, a naughty art show in the desert and then, a new chapter in the graphic novel. Two of my bois headed on a trip west for the Tucson Erotica art show running March 2-30. The show runs the entire month, punctuated with special events that look delicious. If you go, I hope you’ll share all the juicy details. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Sharing the walls with all the other...

worth a thousand words

Twisted wood branches in the foreground with an arc of stars in the sky above a dark distant mountain. A sea of purple aster flowers, with round yellow centers and thick manes of straight thin lavender petals, like purple daisies. Lovely little poems, these, you might be saying. But, they’re not poems, exactly. They’re very interesting examples of alt text (taken from this amazing book). On websites, in apps, and other digital media, alt text is used to describe an image, or provide an...

there must be an angel playing with my heart

Hello, darlings. Looking fabulous, as always. Today, I’d like to celebrate that magical, mysterious, sometimes painful, moment of “knowing” a painting is done. I mean, seriously, you can keep working on the damn thing forever. “Finished” isn’t so much a distinct state or point in time as it is a decision and declaration. Put the brush down and call it done. Sometimes joyful, sometimes frustrated. Sometimes just plain exhausted. All this to say I recently finished a painting that I was...
book cover with nake male torso against a bright yellow background

what men want and what men look like

Hello, darlings! Looking fabulous, as always. Today’s treat is a fun book about men. A subject near and dear to my heart—the subject of most of my art and a great deal of my attention. I present to you, for your delectation, The Male Gazed by Manuel Betancourt. Both personal and insightful, Betancourt gives us a single individual’s experience (his own) as a lens through which to see larger trends around male beauty and the queer gaze that appreciates, and possibly defines, it. Reading it, I...

postcards from the edge

Hello, darlings. How are you? Looking fabulous, as always. Big glittery hello ✨ to those joining us after the last Dandyland event! Lovely to meet you--or see you again! This fall I had the honor of being interviewed for the inaugural issue of Erotic Edges magazine. It’s a delightfully naughty digital publication put out by the intrepid duo behind the virtual drawing group of the same name. It’s a wonderful, international community celebrating unrestrained eroticism in both art and life. The...